Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup Hall of Fame

Oscar Goodman
Mayor of Las Vegas 1999-2011
Oscar Goodman was the Mayor of Las Vegas from 1999 – 2011 and was the Mayor during the first Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup. It was under Oscar’s terms in office that the City of Las Vegas was able to construct most of the soccer facilities in the city. Without the support of Oscar Goodman, the Mayor’s Cup would not be the success that it is today.

Carolyn Goodman
Mayor of Las Vegas 2011-Present
Mayor Carolyn Goodman is the current Mayor of Las Vegas. She was elected to the office in 2011. Through her support of the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup, the tournament has experienced its greatest growth. One of the highlights of winning the tournament for local teams is the chance to go to city hall and be honored by the Mayor. Mayor Carolyn’s support of the Mayor’s Cup has helped the tournament become one of the premediate tournaments in the country.

Bill Briare
Mayor of Las Vegas 1975-1987
Bill Briare was the Mayor of Las Vegas from 1975 to 1887. He was a pioneer of youth soccer in Las Vegas. In the mid-sixties, Bill Briare started a CYO league with other fathers in the area. The league grew and became the starting point for all youth soccer in the Las Vegas area. Mayor Briare was an inspiration to the Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club.

Sherry Alexander
First Tournament Director – Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
Sherry Alexander was the first tournament director for the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup. Sherry was one of the first girl players in the city and has been involved with soccer all of her life. The Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex was the first soccer-specific soccer fields in Las Vegas. The City of Las Vegas wanted to conduct a tournament to showcase the new world-class fields. They looked to Sherry’s leadership to put it on. It was the first tournament held on the fields in October of 2001. Since then the tournament has grown from around 50 local teams to over 1400 teams over three weekends.

Denise Dittsworth
Mayor’s Cup Volunteer
Denise Dittsworth was the first Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup tournament volunteer organizer. She was able to arrange hundreds of volunteers at multiple sites working different shifts. The task was massive, but Denise was the best at getting it done. Without her efforts, the Mayor’s Cup could never have grown to the size it is today.

John Kennedy
Mayor’s Cup Referee Manager
John Kennedy is a legend in the world of soccer referees. He was inducted into the US Soccer Hall of fame and has been a part of over 15000 referee crews. John has refereed at every level of the sport. John was the referee assignor for the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup from its beginnings until 2019. Without John’s contribution to the tournament all those years, it could never be the success that it is today.

Craig Galati
Mayor’s Cup Volunteer
Craig Galati was the first international liaison for the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup. Craig would meet every international team at the airport and would help them out through the entire process. Many of the clubs that came in those days still return to the Mayor’s Cup. Craig’s dedication to service helped the Mayor’s Cup become an international tournament,,

Kurt Polster
Mayor’s Cup Volunteer
Kurt and Debbie Polster were Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup volunteers who were in charge of all retail and vendors. The Tournament was setting the standard for future soccer tournaments and having vendors and retail was a new feature that the Polsters brought in. It was great for our participants and great for the tournament thanks to Debbie and Kurt.